Panahghar’s support in Leicester
Panahghar provides free and dedicated BME multi lingual support, advice and advocacy and access to safe refuge for survivors of domestic abuse in Leicester. Here are the services we provide:

Support groups
At Panahghar, we offer group sessions to our service users that range from educational sessions, to build on their understanding of what domestic, sexual and gendered abuse is, to creative classes and relaxed coffee mornings.

Step Forward Project
The Step Forward Project is a service which provides dedicated by and for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic specialist refuge accommodation for those experiencing domestic abuse.

Respite Rooms
The Respite rooms project is a pilot service which provides dedicated women only safe and supported accommodation for those experiencing homelessness, violence and abuse.

Other Key Partners
We are proud to be partners with Freeva, Women’s Aid Leicestershire, New Dawn New Day and LWA. They are other external partners in which can provide you with extra support for your needs.